_ 社區藝術地圖book design & illustrations
當你打開這本地圖集,你可側看中小學生與自己社區的街坊打招呼的狀況,有些內心充滿好奇,以最細微的發現啟動探索神經;有些早套了大人的眼睛,大人的價值牢固了想像;有些與街坊拍晒膊頭,原來社區一直與他們 緊扣;也有些顯得怕怕羞羞,對近在咫尺的社區無從入手,或許這也是當代社區關係的面貌。 When you open this book, you will see how secondary and primary school students greet fellow neighbours in their respective communities. Some do so with a curious heart, the finest observation stimulating their exploratory nerve. Some have eyes of an adult, with their visions imprisoned in conventional values. Some are good old friends of their neighbours, padding shoulders with one another when they meet. Some appear rather shy, without a single cue to get one step closer – or perhaps that is somehow an honest reflection of relationships in our community today. | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | making of. | making of. |